2024 American Legion Baseball Eligibility Rules
2024 American Legion Baseball Age Eligibility Chart (link coming soon)
If you have interest in playing American Legion Baseball and are looking for a team with which to try out, we thank you for your interest! Your eligibility to play for a specific team is based on 1) your high school of attendance, and 2) your address of residence.
Because rostering rules can be somewhat complex (particularly if you attend a high school at which no Legion team is presently based), it is recommended that you contact the District Director in your area, who will direct you to the applicable team(s), based upon your school attendance and residency. While not all-inclusive, some key player eligibility provisions, language definitions, and program descriptions under Minnesota American Legion Baseball rules are summarized below.
For the 2024 Senior American Legion season, those born on or after January 1, 2005 – including previously- rostered high school graduates – are eligible to compete. For the 2024 Junior American Legion season (17 and under program), those born on or after January 1, 2007 are eligible to compete.
A “Base School” is a high school, public or private, that is the declared home base of a Legion team. A “Non- Base School” is any public or private high school that is not the declared home base of a Legion team.
All Senior Legion teams are eligible to compete in Minnesota's Division I program. Under Minnesota rules, Base School teams must add up the total enrollment of all the high schools represented by players on its roster, and the sum cannot exceed 3,600. Teams that exceed 3,600 are ineligible to compete in Minnesota American Legion Baseball. Teams with Combined Total Enrollment of 400 or less, may voluntarily elect to participate in Minnesota's Division II program. The Junior American Legion program does not have separate divisions of competition. (Please see MN American Legion Baseball rules for all pertinent rostering rules).
“Legal Domicile” (player residence) is determined as of March 31st of each year. (In the case of divorced or legally separated parents, the player must declare which parent’s address he wishes to use as his legal domicile, and that address must continue to be used for the remainder of his Legion Baseball eligibility.) A player’s “school of attendance” is also determined as of March 31st of each year.
A player typically plays for the team based at the high school he attends. A player’s Legal Domicile is needed to determine the team(s) for which he is eligible to play, if the high school he attends 1) is not a Base School, 2) is a private school, or 3) if the high school he attends is a Base School, but he did not make the team.
Again, because this is merely a brief summary, intended as an introduction to American Legion Baseball -- not an all-inclusive statement of specific American Legion Baseball program and eligibility provisions -- please contact your local American Legion Baseball team manager and/or District Director to confirm eligibility based upon your unique circumstances.
Updated: December 12, 2023